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cernia Pianosa  Elba

Pianosa diving

Where the sea reserves surprises

Dive spots
PIANOSA Marine Area

The Island of Pianosa is part of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, which in collaboration with the CED (Diving Consortium of the Island of Elba) in 2013 placed mooring buoys dedicated to diving in the biological protection area where only authorized diving centers, like us, can access with a maximum of twelve divers.
Since the island was closed for 150 years, the seabed of Pianosa remained uncontaminated, offering divers thrills with surprising encounters!

The fish, not being used to the presence of man, easily lets itself be approached, giving you a unique spectacle

The Marina di Campo Diving thanks to his boatWave will allow you to reach yourself 50 minutes navigation buoys Pianosa Marine Park.​

They are expected in the release2 buoy dives different, generally departure is scheduled for the morning with return at 2pm (sea permitting), lunch will be served during the return navigation.



From 1 April to 24 June and from 7 September to 26 November on:Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

From June 25th to September 4th on the days of Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.


marina di campo map

Advanced patent

To be able to dive at the Pianosa Marine Park you must be an advanced certified diver

Underwater Park Guide

Divers will be accompanied by an Underwater Park Guide.

One guide for every 6 divers for a maximum of 2 guides with 12 divers

Minimum 5 Sub maximum 9

By our choice we prefer to bring this number of divers (with the exception of clubs) so as to allow our customers to live a unique experience without crowded groups.

Open from April to November

Diving is only possible within five days of the week at specific times and that's why Reservation required several days in advance.

The Buoys

aquila Pianosa Elba


On a seabed of Posidonia oceanica you will find at a depth of -22 m. a rocky base that can be walked all around until reaching the cap located 3/4 m away. covered by Cystoseira (belonging to the brown algae family). Heading south-east at a depth of approximately 14m. there is a small horizontal cave covered with coral biocoenosis. Near the central base there are numerous rock spurs that allow you to create different underwater routes each time both with and against the current.


The buoy is placed on an extensive carbonic rock formation, which contains more than 50% carbonate minerals, characterized by the alternation of steps and small terraces. You can reach the base located at a depth of -40 m. During the ascent you will be able to observe the succession of various sciaphilic biocoenoses at -22 m. and photophilous from -25 m to the surface. In cracks up to -18 m. you can observe considerable blooms of Parazoanthus axinellae commonly called Sea Daisies. In this dive you will be able to observe an uncommon vertical wall covered with Posidonia oceanica. Possible bottom currents.

Domenico e le Cernie di Pianosa Marina di Campo Diving
Granseola Pianosa Marina di Campo Diving Elba


We areupdating  the new site,

being a new buoy we need to review the descriptions.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


The dive begins on the top of a rock formation located at -4 m. covered by photophilous brown algae, especially Cystoseiretum and Sargassum. Proceeding eastwards you reach the edge of the cliff which vertically reaches a depth of -30 m. On the descent to around -11,-12 m it is possible to observe all the plant and animal populations typically associated with the precoralligen. On the deepest part there is a large Eunicella cavolinii (Yellow Gorgonian). Reaching the bottom of the -42 m wall, other pyramidal rock formations a few meters high can be seen in good visibility conditions in an east/south-east direction. The part exposed to the north/northeast is colonized by Paramuricea clavata (Red Gorgonian); once these rock formations have been explored and the bottom time has expired it is advisable to return to the wall again in a northerly direction, you will come across the opening of a cave located – 20 m from which you can ascend and then find yourself at the buoy where you can finish the dive with the appropriate safety stop.

cernia Pianosa Elba
magnosa Pianosa Marina di Campo Diving Elba


Going down the mooring buoy you will arrive at a plateau located at a depth of -17 m. covered by a dense prairie of Posidonia oceanica. Continuing in a north-west/south-east direction at a depth of -19 m. you look out onto the edge of a vertical wall that reaches -36 m. Having reached this depth, more experienced divers will be able to continue the dive towards alternating steps sloping down to the base located at -42 m. Following the slope you ascend slowly, thus avoiding decompression stages. Possible bottom currents.


The top of this shallow rock formation is at -27 m. going down the wall where you can observe the typical pre-coral population, in the vertical part located to the east/south-east you can observe spectacular Eunicella cavolinii (commonly called Yellow Gorgonian) growing on rocky seabeds and the Paramuricea clavata (Red Gorgonian) queen of the gorgonians in our seas. Due to the depth and the presence of significant bottom currents, as well as the need to ascend into the blue, it is a type of dive suitable for expert divers.

gorgonie Boa 7 Pianosa Marina di Campo Diving Elba

Marina di Campo Diving

Via Renato Fucini 452,

57034 Marina di Campo LI    

+39 347  3901026

+39 0565 977058

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